So sorry to those who are awesome enough to check the blog regularly. It's been a whirl wind of non photographic projects and big happenings in the news that has kept me from this fun and exciting of duties.
For those who have lived through or are going through the trilogy of home make overs I have to fill you in a bit. I am happy to say that after one and a half years all of the rooms are striped of wall paper and now have fresh coats of paint. Most of the electrical in the house has been repaired and/or replaced too. The latest, and last, was the bath room. I had figured it would be done by the end of July but like some projects it snow balled and, well, it's done! Now I just need to find a way to keep the fur off of everything.
Also, did any one see the royal wedding? Duh! I have to say that I was very impressed. I can remember watching Diane and Charles wedding on TV. I have a much different view of weddings now. I think I was taken by all the same as everyone else. Kate's dress was simple, beautiful and a mix of contemporary and classic. I also thought her sisters dress was perfect. Heck I think some brides could have used Pippa's dress for there bridal dress. I was also thrilled to see William in a uniform. I know we would see that but I would love to shot a wedding where the groom isn't over looked and automatically put in a tux. Some times that's fine but other times I would love to see a suit or something alternative.
That's enough about them.
Final distraction came Sunday (Monday morning), the removal of Osama Bin Laden. I'm all for the military and our great nation but boy do we lose track quickly. We spent to many years *&^#% in Iraq when this was the main objective after 911. We should have had him much sooner. With that said, thank you to those who serve and helped get him.
Oh, and for you conspiracy theorist out there, trust me when I tell you that the CIA video tapes everything but what makes you think there going to show it. Morbid gawkers!
That's it for now but please tune in soon for I hope to have more up soon, thanks.

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